I began the affirmation process the Louise Hay way: I looked at myself in the mirror. Then, looking into my own eyes, I told myself, “I love you. I really, really, really, really love you.” I repeated this affirmation 10 times.
It felt strange to be affirming my love for myself. I had been raised to believe that self love was egotism. Besides, I was lying to my reflection. I did not love myself, had never loved myself. I really had no respect for the Christine de LaGrange of my childhood and early adulthood. Nor did I have any respect for the Christine Mattice of my married years. This lack of respect for myself was really an understatement. The feelings I had for myself actually bordered on hatred.
During the early years of my marriage, this lack of love for myself caused hell. I did everything I could do to push him away. In retrospect, I realize that I couldn’t respect him because he loved me! Since I was so unlovable (in my own eyes), I figured that there must be something wrong with him!
But now Louise Hay is challenging me to let go of my former concept of a loveless person. So despite my discomfort at expressing love for myself, I will use this affirmation every morning:
“Christine, I love you. I really, really, really, really love you.”
Do you have any experiences with affirmations you’d like to share? Have you ever tried the Louise Hay method of affirmations? What did you think?